
Non Woven Geotextile Fabric

What Is Non woven Geotextile Fabric? Non woven geotextile fabric are crafted by bonding short and long fibers together, often through techniques like needle punching or other methods. Heat treatment is typically applied to boost the strength of these geotextiles. Made primarily from synthetic materials such as polyester or polypropylene,[…]

Varieties of Woven Fabrics and Their Applications

What Is Woven Fabric? Woven fabrics are created through a process where two or more sets of yarn or threads interlace at right angles using a loom, which is a specialized machine. Essentially, any textile produced through weaving is referred to as woven fabric. Weaving is the most common technique[…]

Spider Silk: Properties, Composition and Applications

History of Spider Silk Most of the silk came from silkworms, but some folks also used spider silk. Early Romans and Greeks wove spider silk into fabrics and nets and used it to treat injuries. Australian aborigines used spider silk for fishing lines and nets, sometimes crushing spiders onto the[…]

Different Types of Fabric in Textile Industry

What is fabric? Fabric is crafted from solutions, fibers, yarns, or textiles. Non-woven fabrics and felts stem directly from fiber webs, yet they possess restrictions in their utility. The most effective method of crafting textile fabrics for various intents involves the mechanical transformation of yarn into fabric. This process encompasses[…]

Yarn Manufacturing Process

Introduction Leaving out silk, most tech-related natural fibers are collected as staple fibers with distinct lengths. During the spinning or yarn manufacturing process, the fibers entwine to boost friction, creating a staple fiber yarn. Yarns are the foundation of fabric creation. Their thickness spans a wide range and is usually[…]

Count of Yarn: Explanation and Varieties

What does yarn count mean? Yarn count is a numeric representation that shows whether the yarn is delicate or rugged, showing its thickness. According to the Textile Institute, “Count is a number that signifies the mass per unit length or the length per unit mass of yarn.” It’s a numeric[…]

Identification of Textile Fibers

Why is the identification of textile fibers necessary? Understanding textile fibers is a core element of our textile science journey. Back in the day, discerning fibers was a simpler task, where folks leaned on sight and touch to recognize cotton, wool, silk, or linen. Yet, as synthetic fibers entered the[…]

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